Safe Routes to School has a 12 year history of projects and programs in Oregon.  These range from education and encouragement, to fixing the built environment in school neighborhoods. New to the effort, Oregon is investing in improving crosswalks, sidewalks, bike lanes, and other infrastructure around elementary and middle schools, making it easier for kids to walk and bike.

Just this summer, a new funding stream to build projects identified by local communities was opened up. One hundred and twelve applications were submitted in October 2018 by city and county governments, and other qualified entities.

Next steps include the Safe Routes Advisory Committee’s review and scoring process, which will take place in December. Learn more about the next meeting here.  After the applications are ranked, the Committee will forward their recommendations to the Oregon Transportation Commission, who has the final approval authority. Grantee’s should be notified in early spring of 2019, with the goal of construction beginning in summer for many of the projects. This means safer routes for your student!

For more information on the SRTS Infrastructure program, see the ODOT web page. Check back in early November for a list of all the projects submitted. Thanks to ODOT and the Oregon Legislature for helping reduce barriers for students walking and biking to and from school.