
Below are videos to help coordinators, parents and educators teach the skills necessary for everyone to be safe and confident road users.

New Coordinator Overview

Introducing Safe Routes to School

Transit Rider Education

Let’s Ride the School Bus

Let’s Ride the Bus

7 Transit Safety Tips

Neighborhood Navigators

Crossing Guard Training

Bicycle Education Videos

Our Bicycle Education Videos demonstrate how to do the skills needed to be safe and confident bicycle riders. These go hand in hand with our recommended curriculum. Please see Curriculum and Activities for detailed lessons and plans.

ABC Bike Check

Helmet Fitting

Hand Signals

Pedal Power Position

Starting and Stopping Drill

Bike Drills

Intersection Game

Understanding Right of Way

Roundabouts and Crosswalks

Roundabouts by Bicycle

Navigating Intersections

Bike Parts Game

How to Fix a Flat Tire

PDX Keeps Rolling

How to Lock a Bike

Traffic Playground Biking Tips

ABC Quick Check

Pedestrian Education Videos

FHWA’s Safer Journey Pedestrian Education Videos help educators, parents and others who care about pedestrian safety to get the conversation started with children and youth.

Their three videos — one for each of three age groups — accompanied by a quiz or discussion and an educator’s resource library, can be used as an introduction to pedestrian safety skills or to augment our curriculum, Neighborhood Navigators. Please see Curriculum and Activities for detailed lessons and plans.

Multi-lingual SRTS Videos from Multnomah County

Multnomah County created these SRTS safety videos in 2022, and had them translated into multiple languages.