Call for Program Proposals: January 7-February 22

The Safe Routes to School National Partnership is excited to announce the 6th Safe Routes to School Conference to be held in Tampa, FL from November 12-14, 2019. Join us for a spectacular experience in a culturally vibrant city that is best explored by foot, bike, and public transportation. With the conference hub located in downtown Tampa, it’s a breeze to walk along the city’s famous Riverwalk or take a ride with Coast Bike Share. The conference will bring together hundreds of Safe Routes to School and active transportation professionals to exchange ideas and share knowledge about the most creative and innovative approaches to creating walkable, bikeable, healthy, and equitable communities where people can lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

More information and to submit a proposal:

Program Themes

What’s Next for Safe Routes to School and Active Transportation?

Context Matters: Safe Routes to School in YOUR Community  

Funding and Sustainability: Keep your Program Walking and Rolling

Safe Routes Everywhere